Learning and having fun in Room 8.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

scardy cats

Onec upon a time some boys called andew and paul. They cried for his mum they were in
a cav.I saw them the end.

By alexis

The dark cave

Once upon a time there where to boys named danul & tom thay both went to a dark cave it was all goey amd slimy.Thay can here something it was like drip drop and then something sqeked.The tree fold donw thay where
relly skered thay sremed because thay where seard of the dark and thay where both 12 yares old well I think that is sort of sily that there. Tomhad bronw hrie and blew eyes and danl has brown hire and desall eyes.thay where sreming mummy mummy.By Amber