Learning and having fun in Room 8.

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fruit Kebabs




1. wash the fruit.
2.cut the pineapple and the bananas
3.put the frut on the stiks
4.eat it.

By: Hayden

Grass Heads


Soil Cup Googly eye's Elastic


1. Put some grass seed's onto your nylon sheet.

2. Put some soil on top of your seed's.

3. Pull all the cornrner's toge and tie them.

4. Water it.

5. Watch it grow.

6.Gloue on googly eyes and nose.

By: Anna

Ms. Kalat's new pet

Hey Gang!

As promised here is a picture of my new baby lamb Francis. She is 2 weeks old, and baas all day long. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Lamikins gets used to her soon and does not run away every time she sees her. ;)

-Ms. K

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My mums birthday

My mums birthday is on guyfawkes day and one time we went down to the park to do the fireworks.Also my mums friend came and so did my dads friend and mine and my brothers friend.Also I had a great time there too.

By Shania l


when i went to manfeild i saw isaiah and has little sister his little sister is big and then we went to the park for a little time then we went back to manfeild then it was starting so we sat down and this fire popped up it was big.

By: Layla

My 6th brithday

Hi my name is Carrie-rose.My 6th brithday was fun because my present was a puppy and I called it muffe but a few weeks later she died.But I got another puppy.Also it had 11 puppys I called one of them roseie other puppy was called india.And my other present I got a cat. My cat had some kittins. I called one of them avgalen because shes cute.

by carrie-rose