Learning and having fun in Room 8.

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Friday, November 2, 2007

My holiday

When we went to ackteo we went to find a house to stay in for my brother bithday.We stayed for three day. On the secend day it was my brother bithday he got a toy truck and toy train track and a toy train. Me and my sister shared a room and my little sister and my baby sister and my brother shared a room. When we went home i got sick and layed down in the van.

By: Merrick

triker treading

When I went triker treating I went to this boys house we knocked on the sliding door. And then he went out the other door he scared me. He told to tell him a joke . I said knock knock who's there? Doctor Doctor who? Doctor you he laughed at my sister
Shavaughn then. Shavaughn said a joke him he laughed at her. Then we went to Miss MacDonalds house. Rean was gross. Then she gave me lollies and lolliepops she gave me some candy canes.

By Tamika


I can't wait for christmas because I will get presents. we will go out and will go to my garnndad and waen we get there he will have a present ready waen when we get there and there will be rete.

By Michael


choppers are fast to rideon and you have to be carefuL when we turn a round and be casful went you dniue and watch out when your tuyers pop ,

by Ben

My mum going to australia

when my mum went to australia she bought us some cool things and i like my clothes by kayla

Thursday, November 1, 2007


happy holloween was cool because we got to dress up what ever we wanted.. And I dress up in my p.j. Also we had a lollie scarmble..
Also i went tricky treating with my sister and cuzin jaziah and i got heaps of lollies and i went to my nans,auntey's,my unlces and my teacher.

-shania k

Way to go Room 8!!

Hey Room 8!!

I just wanted to say that i think your grass heads have turned out really well!! Not to mention the hair cuts you gave them!! Now that you are taking them home - please remember to water them at least once a week.

I can't wait to read your grass head stories!!

Ms. Kalat


When we got dress up for halloween at shool miss k got dress up beautifly and Idress up as p.j. girl. Eva had a beauiful skirt teana was witch and Tamika dress up in her p.j. . and Jesse dress up as a monaster shaina l dress up like teana.

by; moesha

My dream job

My dream job is to be a photographer because you have so much fun.Also you get to see famous people that are models like the people that are on Ameraka next top models.As well I want to be a model because you get to see all the famous all over the world .Also you have a runway aswell you get to do a shoot.

By Eva

my best day

my best day was when i got puppy their names are
isaball tinkerball. they are black and white
one has a pink and white nose. the anther has a pure
black nose. i am so happy
because they are cute i
like my puppy

by depris

My Halloween

On halloween I went trick or treating I got 60 lollies. My mum ate 5 of my brothers he cried. I went
to ms. kalats house she gave me 1 lollie. When I got home I ate 3 lollies.

by alexis

The harley davidson

the harley davidson rides was fast .
I burnt my ankel on the exsuse pipe.
I went all around the city on the motor bike & the man allmost fell of.

By Jesse

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

on Hallowen

on Hallowen i went with my cusins and my cusins friend. also i am going in a van and i am dressing up as a wizird and evereyone says it is a bib and we took a class photo.

By Hayden


Hello Rm. 8!!

Happy Halloween to you all. Thank you for celebrating this special holiday with me even though we dont really have Halloween in New Zealand- i look forward to seeing you tonight while you are trick-or-treating!! Remember to look both ways when you are crossing the street.

- Ms. Kalat

Fruit kebabs

cuting bord


1/whash the fruit
2/Cut the fruit
3/Put the Fruit on the stiks
4/eat it
5/Tidy up

Monday, October 29, 2007


Australia was really fun and we went to movie world and wet n wild i went on lots of hydorsildes one of them was a family ride wen you go down it is very fun because one side go s up and one side go s down and at movie worldi went on lots of roller coasters the first ride we went on was a boat ride a elevator and it take s you up and it does a little roller coatster and it drops you down and it splashes you and you get wet you get wet cloths and this roller coaster you go down very very fast and i dinddnt like the begainning and i went there with my dad step mum and sister and brother the end.

by teiana

my hlioday

the holiday was when i went out camping with my dad and mum i went in my fiend car and my brother went upto 1018 km per hour/

By junior


On friday we went kokbiling. Also made a cool picture of a teddy bear. We had buritos for lunch. I a had cool time. We planned tip to the hills.

By Anna.

my dog

My dog is black and white also runs fast . also feels smooth. by haylen

my dog

My dog is funny she can do tricks and she can dance. When you put the music on she started to dance .and she can jump through a hopp.

by Michael

my calf

My calf runs fast and he is fun and when he is sleeping he snores and it is a annoying.


my 5th christmas

my 5th christmas was so fun we had mc donlenes also kfc we had with the kfc chickin and other things i had mc donlenes me riley and seth i had some of mums and dads kfc.

by layla.

My big surprise

My suprise was a holiday to my nanas for a week Every holidays I go there my aunty lives next door She works at the holiday
program every day I go to my auntys I went to many diffrent places and a lot of loiies and my aunty comes to visit and my
cousins come to visit to there names are Bert Grace Kalie Hannah and baby Elizabith they are really to play with but grace is

By Jesse

the first day going on a holiday

The first day going on a holiday is fun we get to go everywhere.
we went to Auckland to see my cousin's we get to go to the lights
and it is fun there. we get dance there get to roll on a boat then
we went back to my cosins and had a party and when i ran into
the door my started bleeding. we had marshmalloes in the
ice cream.


My weekend

On the holiday I try and try to do a filp like a hand sand filp with your hands on the ground oK alright.Than I try to do a backwords filp and it did't go so wow because I bent my nek back. See that is my story for now see you latter

By Amber in room8