Learning and having fun in Room 8.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Molly's princapal story

If I was a pincapal of Coley Street School I would have lot's of athletics days.Every class would have a blog spot.There would be lot's of art in each class.If there wasen't lots of art in each class it would be all gloomy and pale and I would'nt like walking into the classes.If theres lot's of art it would be nice and coulerful and I would love walking into all of the classes.If I want lot's of art in all the classes I would get lot's of art equtmint.There would deffintly be a cycling team and you would be aloud to have your phones at school and if you didn't have a phone I would buy them one.Every week there would be a moive day were the school wen't to see a movie.


Room 3 said...

Great story Molly. Classrooms filled with heaps of art look spectacular. I know you are really good at Athletics, is that why you would like heaps of athletics days? Love from Mum xxoo

Room 8 said...

Molly great story. It look's like when you grow up you want to be a principal. you'r story is really great

from ABBY

Room 8 said...

that is a nice story

Room 8 said...

that was cool molly from khalil