Sea creatures.Do not throw fridges in the sea because it will take the oil off the fishers not take them out of the water and take them home because they need to stay in the water. by kayla
Eva alway stay by my side when I get scared when bullies say "give me your lunch!" Eva steps in the middle and says "Don't be mean to my friend!" Also she says "You can play wit me". Next she plays with babies. When I get hurt she takes me to the office. Eva is a good friend.
My best day was at the crumping. Crumping is dancing. I was at the stock cars to see the cars race. They go fast and they were racing, but they flick up dirt at us!
My hero is Ms.K because she teaches us and she plays with us. She's fun and she is beautiful. She is very good .She is very cool. She makes us learn and Ms.K is a good friend. She loves sheep and is my best friend. Ms.K is very cool she teaches us art - thats my favoruite programme. She sorts our problems out. We will be best friends for ever.
Grandad is fun because he is funny one of jokes are you jumped in the spa and you didn't say ah He is cool because every day he puts lollies in my bag.Also he is 100% best grandad in the world and he takes me to dreamland & when he was in the ferris weel he shouted "help!!" Also he is really sick, so we will pray to him when he goes to heaven. Next he has a big car collection. You know he is a good man.
my hero is moesha because she is a good friend and plays with me. my hero is miss kalat because she help us lean maths and art. also she fun and she love her sheep also my hero is Eva because she stan in the midder and tell them to not be a bull also she play with me
My hero is timika becuase she looks after me and after kids. She plays wiht me and layla. we have fun with layla. She is cool and fantastik. She is good at spots. Timika hleps me to learn. She is awesome.
Welcome to a new school year!! This year we are a Year 4-5 class at Coley Street School - New Zealand. Our teacher is Miss. Kalat - she's from Canada. We learn lots and have tons of fun at school. This blog is for us to share our thoughts and ideas as well as showcase some of our outstanding work. This blog is made and maintained by kids - so you might find a few spelling mistakes - but we are learning!! We hope you enjoy our blog!! We can't wait to hear your comments.