Learning and having fun in Room 8.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

My big surprise

My suprise was a holiday to my nanas for a week Every holidays I go there my aunty lives next door She works at the holiday
program every day I go to my auntys I went to many diffrent places and a lot of loiies and my aunty comes to visit and my
cousins come to visit to there names are Bert Grace Kalie Hannah and baby Elizabith they are really to play with but grace is

By Jesse


Room 8 said...

Remember to use full stops and capitals when you are writing your story Jesse.

- Ms. K

Room 8 said...

I am glad you had a awesome holiday at your Aunty's place. I loved to go to my Aunty's place when I was a little girl. My Aunty Heather used to spoil me with lots of yummy treats.

I wonder what you will do in the next holidays?

love Mum