Learning and having fun in Room 8.

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Friday, October 26, 2007

The Beach

Once i went to the beche and i found some
jelly fish . also i got stang by 1 of them .
also i saw a crab . and i was in a pond
.also i saw a big boat.

By Lushaan


Room 7 said...

cool lushaan. ow it must of hurt when i went to the beach once i was swimming and i seen about 14 jelly fish swimming together. i went to stand up and i was holdng one that didn't have no stinging things......
from Aaliyah in Room 7

Room 7 said...

sounds like u had a great time at the beach i bet that would of hert when you got stung from that jelly fish

From khale

Room 8 said...

Wow Lushaan, sounds like you had an intresting time at the beach. I'm glad you didn't get stung too badly by the jelly fish!!

Ms. Kalat