Hello Room 8 kids,
I just wanted to wish you all a wonderful summer holiday. I had an absolutely fantastic year with all of you and will miss you terribly over the summer. I hope you have tons of fun at the beach or at home or travelling around New Zealand. Remember to stay sun safe!! And remember to pick up some books at the library and continue with your reading over the holidays.
I cant wait to see you all upon our return in February. Have a lovely summer holiday. Remember to be good!!
- Ms. Kalat
Ps. Don’t forget that you can still log in from home and keep writing over the holidays.
Learning and having fun in Room 8.
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
once upon a time there was a evil octopus called ursala.She lives not far from the palace where the little mermaid lives.what ursala wants most of all is the magic tridant.once she captured the little mermaid.ursala hates her sister.
minky is at the beach she was waiting for her boyfried to come. they were on honeymoon .her boyfried nameed jack.
then he came with a basket .he put it down then . the groud was moving . jack said dragon and shegea are coming . then they threw bombs but minky was doing ninga on dragon
by layla
then he came with a basket .he put it down then . the groud was moving . jack said dragon and shegea are coming . then they threw bombs but minky was doing ninga on dragon
by layla
minky is at the beach she was waiting for her boyfried to come. they were on honeymoon .her boyfried nameed jack.
then he came with a basket .he put it down then . the groud was moving . jack said dragon and shegea are coming . then they threw bombs but minky was doing ninga on dragon
by layla
then he came with a basket .he put it down then . the groud was moving . jack said dragon and shegea are coming . then they threw bombs but minky was doing ninga on dragon
by layla
docters have flappy ears and likes licking its paws.also it has a nice costume.
he likes to have conversations with other people aswell he plays with fire
sometimes he checks his chart to see what day it is.but he doesn't drink
water he drinks lemonade fizzy lemondade with lots of bubbles.also likes to
go swimming at the dentist he's decarating a t-shirt at the sinince fair.
well he really likes to have party at the dentits but he hates to have drunk partys
he likes to have conversations with other people aswell he plays with fire
sometimes he checks his chart to see what day it is.but he doesn't drink
water he drinks lemonade fizzy lemondade with lots of bubbles.also likes to
go swimming at the dentist he's decarating a t-shirt at the sinince fair.
well he really likes to have party at the dentits but he hates to have drunk partys
Swimming Girl's
My two people name is Depris and Moesha .They are best friend . They swimm all the time and that why they are swimming
girl's. The have sweet 16 birthday and they went on a christmas holiday and they went to Australia . they are very cool . press a red button and a marshmellow house come out . They have a long hair black hair and they are very good .They have a black cat.
girl's. The have sweet 16 birthday and they went on a christmas holiday and they went to Australia . they are very cool . press a red button and a marshmellow house come out . They have a long hair black hair and they are very good .They have a black cat.
what are your going to do over the holiday. I am going to the beach with my daD
and my brother I am going to the beach so we can catch heaps of fish.
eat all of the fish.
then we are going to have a hangi at my nanas . and we ginog home and eat it up
and onep our presents. then we are going to get our money from do our paper rout
and my brothes get money to then we are
going to get poni presenty. also we are going to have fun
and my brother I am going to the beach so we can catch heaps of fish.
eat all of the fish.
then we are going to have a hangi at my nanas . and we ginog home and eat it up
and onep our presents. then we are going to get our money from do our paper rout
and my brothes get money to then we are
going to get poni presenty. also we are going to have fun
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
paris and spy girl
Pucca is a girl and Micky is a spy girl they help you . and they keep the beach safe . they wear fake maskes.they follow people. that battle people they doback flips .she has. black hair her hair . she sayetle thre the end the had fun.
by teiana
by teiana
super spies
once upon a time there were pucca and joe. pucca was a super spy. and joe was too. under the ocean there was an evil genius. he has a big laser and a telapoter. pucca and joe was in disguis the laser can tell if they are under cover or not. pucca and joe pretended that they won the lottotry but they had fake money.
By Hayden
By Hayden
Friday, December 7, 2007
Once apon a time in japan this guy looked brown . ALSO the man looked likea warrior . His name was jack and he had a battel with the other persen in the vilege . Next there was 10 dragens thate atacked the hole vilige

once upon a time japan there were two man.one was called rob and the other man was sam.also they heed buns in there heir they were in the village talking and it was chistmas. Also it was raining and they were in the stera they were talkmand one was a soldier.And the other one was a old man. by kayla
My Grandad!!!!!!
My Grandad died befor my Mum went to work at the Laughing Fox.Every time we went to his house we got a bag of lollies YUMMY!! I loved him so much he did I wish he did not die.He made me happy because he came to our birthday partys.He cooked chocolate chip cookies and chocolate chip swirl cake.
From Meg!!!
From Meg!!!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
My silly sandwich
Ingredients snail, spiders, worms, dirt, slim, blood, prikis, bread. step's 1 Get the ingredients. 2 Get the bread. 3 Put the ingredents in. 4 Cut it. 5 Give it to Mum and Dad. by Anna.
MY favourite game

my favourite game is a playstation game .It is the simpson game because everyone is a super hero bart is bartman and he can fly.he can climb and he can turn in two roboman.Homer can turn into a ball and fly. Also he can boost. Marge can get an angry mob and anyone can be in it. Maggie can go trhough the vents. Lisa can be Gobble Girl. Gobble Girl is very strong. Also she can flip people over and pick up stuff and throw it at people. Also there are aliens that make the statue that stands in the middle of the park. Krusty clown and all the dolphins be evil and come alive.
by hayden
A village

Once apon a time in japan two
Once apon a time in japan men were having a battle in the village.There was a fire and suddenly the fire stopped and some of the people were killed and the man who owend the place screamed all day.They had there battle and the oter man died.
He went back to his village. His village was being destroyed by the other people and the man who died came back from heaven and killed him and he died with him.
by jesse
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007

Hi Room 8
I apologise that I have not stopped by for a while, so I wanted to visit your blog to let you know how impressed I am with your writing and your posts. I agree fully with your advice on keeping our sea creatures healthy and safe and think you have done a wonderful job at informing people.
I hope that you are enjoying your lessons. I know how proud Miss K is of all of you and I hope you keep up the good work. All the best Room 8, and I hope to see you all soon.
Mr. Jeric
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
scardy cats
The dark cave

Once upon a time there where to boys named danul & tom thay both went to a dark cave it was all goey amd slimy.Thay can here something it was like drip drop and then something sqeked.The tree fold donw thay where
relly skered thay sremed because thay where seard of the dark and thay where both 12 yares old well I think that is sort of sily that there. Tomhad bronw hrie and blew eyes and danl has brown hire and desall eyes.thay where sreming mummy mummy.By Amber
Thursday, November 22, 2007
sea creatures
How can we look after Sea Creatures?
sea creatures
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My Hero - Eva
Eva alway stay by my side when I get scared when bullies say "give me your lunch!" Eva steps in the middle and says "Don't be mean to my friend!"
Also she says "You can play wit me". Next she plays with babies. When I get hurt she takes me to the office.
Eva is a good friend.
By Layla
Also she says "You can play wit me". Next she plays with babies. When I get hurt she takes me to the office.
Eva is a good friend.
By Layla
My Best Day
My best day was at the crumping. Crumping is dancing. I was at the stock cars to see the cars race. They go fast and they were racing, but they flick up dirt at us!
By Anthony. 1
By Anthony. 1
My hero Ms.K
My hero is Ms.K because she teaches us and she plays with us. She's fun and she is beautiful. She is very good .She is very cool. She makes us learn and Ms.K is a good friend. She loves sheep and is my best friend. Ms.K is very cool she teaches us art - thats my favoruite programme. She sorts our problems out. We will be best friends for ever.
by Moesha
by Moesha
Tamika is exra pretty shes never mean to me.Also she is my best friend in the world.I respect her a lot and she respects me to.I like her a lot.
by sonya
by sonya
Monday, November 19, 2007
my hero anna
My hero grandad
Grandad is fun because he is funny one of jokes are you jumped in the spa and you didn't say ah He is cool because every day
he puts lollies in my bag.Also he is 100% best grandad in the world and he takes me to dreamland & when he was in the ferris weel he shouted "help!!" Also he is really sick, so we will pray to him when he goes to heaven. Next he has a big car collection. You know he is a good man.
By Jesse
he puts lollies in my bag.Also he is 100% best grandad in the world and he takes me to dreamland & when he was in the ferris weel he shouted "help!!" Also he is really sick, so we will pray to him when he goes to heaven. Next he has a big car collection. You know he is a good man.
By Jesse
my hero
my hero is moesha because she is a good friend and plays with me. my hero is miss kalat because she help us lean maths and art. also she fun and she love her sheep also my hero is Eva because she stan in the midder and tell them to not be a bull also she play with me
shania k
shania k
My hero Timika
My hero is timika becuase she looks after me and after kids. She plays wiht me and layla. we have fun with layla. She is cool and fantastik. She is good at spots. Timika hleps me to learn. She is awesome.
By Alice.
By Alice.
MY HERO: My Uncle
My uncle bobby is a hero. he helps people learn. he is strong and has big muscles. he keeps pecple safe and looks affer us.I like my uncle bobby .
by anthony
by anthony
Friday, November 16, 2007
My zomby lives in a hunted ban shed . He liks to scear peaple away from his house . Also he sleeps on a zomby bed . Next
he bits peoples necs . some tims he chasses people inm the graveard and he digs up the grave yard . his favrite drink is
blood. whene he gos trikatreat he get all the loleis.
by lushaan
he bits peoples necs . some tims he chasses people inm the graveard and he digs up the grave yard . his favrite drink is
blood. whene he gos trikatreat he get all the loleis.
by lushaan
captin hook
captin hook.likes bad people and the best things he likes is tresere. he likes to steal money too.he has a berd The End
by teiana
by teiana
private the pirate
He haits baths and he gets gold off other pirates . Also thats why he's called private.He eats girls especially my teacher mrs kalat
and he has swimming togs and it's girls togs funny eh. Thats the end of my story.Hope you read all off my next storys.
by jesse
and he has swimming togs and it's girls togs funny eh. Thats the end of my story.Hope you read all off my next storys.
by jesse
Tonight and Today!!!!!
Tonigt we are going to watch Harry Potter!We are going to have popcorn and lollies because we were good for the hole week
witch is pretty exciting to me!Me and my mum are going to couler a pitcher together
witch is pretty exciting to me!Me and my mum are going to couler a pitcher together
In the world of my firay's the jod for my firay is to be a toth fiary.
Once a pon a time there was a fiary she was pritey.
she make nice girlarey.
Also I love thos fiary who do that.
By Anna.
Once a pon a time there was a fiary she was pritey.
she make nice girlarey.
Also I love thos fiary who do that.
By Anna.
Thursday, November 15, 2007

ashley is a queen and a princess she lives in a tall castle and she has a boyfriend named michael michael likes me to go to the rally cars with him so he doesn,t get scared because if he goes by his self he will go on the road also grab all the drinks and lollis then he got a tummyack in the road i no how disturbing it wasn't a date.
by layla.

My vampiyes name is dracula. His favrite drink is blood. also his favrite food is hard rock solid blood. also his friends are bats that turn in to people and he kills people who annoy him by sucking there blood. also on trick or treat he knocks on the door and when the people open the door he sucks their blood and steals there lollies.He lives in a haunted house and his bed is a coffen. also when a robber comes and scares them out of the house and there is a sighn that says no people allowod.
by hayden
my princess
My character
depris the mummy.
My birthday
On my 4th birthday I had a firy cake. Also I enjoyed the party and my cake. I had
a cool time. I got lots of presents. Also I turned 1234 years old.
by Anna.
a cool time. I got lots of presents. Also I turned 1234 years old.
by Anna.
captin hook
Captin hook likes bad people and he likes tresure he likes to steal money too.he likes to buy lots of things to.and he has a beard and he is dartie.
by Teiana
by Teiana
captin hook
Captin hook is a really bad pirate.The thing he hates worst of all is good people.The thing he likes best is girls. He sails the sea on a ship called the jolly-rodger.He has slaves that always swear at him.
By Sonya
By Sonya
The captins best day
Once upon a time there was a pirate and he saw a treasre chest and the best part was that nobody was around. And do you know why that was lucky? Because he did not have to share it with nobody and thats the end of the story about the pirate and the treasre chest.
choclate bubbels
cacala rice bubbles
icing sugar
vegetables shortening
sprinles muffins cups
bowl spoon
measuring cups
1 melt the vegetable shortening.
2put the dry ingredients in the bowl.
3Mix the two
4 Put them in t the cup
5 put them fridge.
By Anthony
cacala rice bubbles
icing sugar
vegetables shortening
sprinles muffins cups
bowl spoon
measuring cups
1 melt the vegetable shortening.
2put the dry ingredients in the bowl.
3Mix the two
4 Put them in t the cup
5 put them fridge.
By Anthony
Black beard
My pirates name is black beard he goes to island to island hunting for gold in caves and under ground. He likes getting bad people and putting in cags. He hates bad people and fish.
by merrick
by merrick
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My flower
tThe flowers birthday
The flower's day.
The flower's
My pirate
Jack sparow
my best weekend
my best weekend was when I stay with my cousin candice and we played with the hack sack. Also I went to the school with my cousins. Also we played shoows Also we went to the pool. the Also we went to movies to wathse meet the roberter
Silly and naughty and pirate

My pirate is naughty and silly. It hates everyone he hates girls.He loves girl clothes and he likes to eat fat worms.Also he loves boys and he spews alot on Wednesdays.As well he has a beard and a mustash.He loves cold showers and he eats farts.He likes to eat boys for braekfast and dinner!!
kasha the pireit
jack sparow
pary the piret
lego man
A couple of weeke ago i went to stockcars and i saw my cousins and i just saw him racing his car and i got to see him hold the winning flag.
by michael
by michael
should everyone have a pet? why? why not?
I beliere we ehould haue a dog because a buglar will come and steal your money and make a mess and they will help when y0u are blind.dog will help us.
by BEN
by BEN
chocolate bubbles
ingrestents icingsugar cocoa bowl rice bubbles spoon measuring cup muffin caps sprinkels vegetable shoting 1 Cut the vegtable shoting . 2 Melt the vegetable shoting . 3 put the vegetable shoting into the bowl. 4 Mix the cocoa rice bubbles and icing sugar. 5 put it in the fridge. 6 tidy up. eat it up!!!! by kayla
my best day
My best day was when I started rugby When I started rugby I had fun and I got one try Also I got a try in pratice.
by brayden.
by brayden.
you need to test before you get in to krumping . Also I like it when you go on trips . next its like hip hop . and you jump around
. It looks cool and fun.After that you need to dance real fast.
by lushaan
. It looks cool and fun.After that you need to dance real fast.
by lushaan
He is the kings soldeir and he works at the sword fixers and he fixes all the weapons and he slayes dragons and and he put bad people in prison he has a wife called sonya and a girlfriend called double sonya and they had fun every day and they lived happliy ever after.
by jesse
by jesse
on christmas im going to sleep in a tent and last time i sleept in a tent my brother herd a pirsin waiking around the tent also i know one of my brothers presents and we are having it at our place. i want a popup cars set for cristmas also there is a dragon castel and i want a ratatui board game.also i hope im not sick and everyone from my family is coming.
by hayden.
by hayden.
My favorite movie
My faourite movie is cheetah Girls2 because it is fun to watch .and It is very cool to watch. They do cool dancing and they have
cool clothes. It is funny aslo they have cool makeover.
cool clothes. It is funny aslo they have cool makeover.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
My fairiy
onces there was a fairiy name shantlie and she had a mum called chalise also my fairiy has brown and black and red hair also she has brown eyes she has a puple stire also she has pink dress. she has pink shoes. also she work at a cool culb and her mon work at the culb with me she she has black eye and brown hair
-shania k
-shania k
fisherman's table
At the restaurant I like the food. I had some pasta and I had fish and chips with
tomater sauce. Also i had mayo t thought that it was pretty cool that my cousins got to come too
tomater sauce. Also i had mayo t thought that it was pretty cool that my cousins got to come too
Mrs Kalat
Her job is to be a princess.She likes to go shopping for dresses.Also she has a boyfriend named Mr jerrik.She has blond hair with a little brown in it.Mrs kalat loves Mr jerrik so much.And they kissed happily ever after.
My birthday
when my birthday comes i will get myscene growing up glam or roller skates. Also one of them is going to be for christmas and the other one is for my birthday.
By Shania L
By Shania L
Eragn he wors with a dragon. He looks like a knight. He klls bad people and bad dragon.
He wears a armar it is cool. He has a purple dragon
by alexis
He wears a armar it is cool. He has a purple dragon
by alexis
My holiday
When we went to ackteo we went to find a house to stay in for my brother bithday. We stayed for three days. On the scond day it was my brothers bithday he got a toy truck
and toy train. me and my big sister shared a room and my little sister and my baby sister and my brother all shed a room. when we whent home i got sick and layed down in the van
and toy train. me and my big sister shared a room and my little sister and my baby sister and my brother all shed a room. when we whent home i got sick and layed down in the van
My fairy
my fairy's name is Kasia. she has blonde and redish also black too. kasia is a tooth
fairy princess. also she help me learn how to do maths and reading. she teaches us
how to do art. kasia made a big elathant and room8 made the elathant.
BY Paris
fairy princess. also she help me learn how to do maths and reading. she teaches us
how to do art. kasia made a big elathant and room8 made the elathant.
BY Paris
Rnights boy
he guards the place were ever he goes.and he guards the king when the badies come in the room and the badies diyin in room they and there is dadit.
By: Michael
By: Michael
dragon rider
his name is dragon rider. his jgb is to fight dragons.Also guards the catle.also hes not scared of anything.
by. Haylen.
by. Haylen.
Narrative Writing
Hello friends of room 8!!
We are starting a new unit in Narrative Writing - so get ready to hear some super character and setting descriptions and watch us learn how to write stories of our own!! Hope you like them.
- Ms. K
We are starting a new unit in Narrative Writing - so get ready to hear some super character and setting descriptions and watch us learn how to write stories of our own!! Hope you like them.
- Ms. K
she has a pink dress she has a yellow wand and yellow wings also orgegren hair she likes to be a queen next she has a boyfriend named jesse jesse likes to go to the shops to bye cholet for gilmmer when they get home they hope on the choch and eat the cholot and waching tv. by layla
dragor rider.
Ergon has agragon sword it can kill people that are bad because
bad people hurt
people and dragons
from BEN
bad people hurt
people and dragons
from BEN
grass head
grass seed.
and glue the
googly eyes and
1. put some grass seed
in to the nylon sheet.
2.put some soil on top of the nylon so it
can grow.
3. put all the corners together and
tie them carefully.
4. water it.
5. watch it grow.
6. glue on the googly eyes and nose
by depris...
grass seed.
and glue the
googly eyes and
1. put some grass seed
in to the nylon sheet.
2.put some soil on top of the nylon so it
can grow.
3. put all the corners together and
tie them carefully.
4. water it.
5. watch it grow.
6. glue on the googly eyes and nose
by depris...
CRUNMING Is Like hip hop and. you crnump PeoPel out. Alos you can do a flips and junmping. you can do a back fafise Alos youcan go cazy like be fmiis you can do chest pop . i did wite my frends. I Iove crnuming .
by junior
by junior
My Tricky sandwick
spiters web,s
1 Put the chocoltes in.
2 Put piters web,s in.
3 Put he spiter in.
4 Put he wam,s in .
5 Cut he berad up.
6 Eat it.
spiters web,s
1 Put the chocoltes in.
2 Put piters web,s in.
3 Put he spiter in.
4 Put he wam,s in .
5 Cut he berad up.
6 Eat it.
Choclate bubbles
coco rice bubbles icing sugar vegtable shortening.
sprinkles muffincups bowls and spons measuring cup
1 cut the vegtable shortening
2 melt the vegtabe shortehing
3 put the ingredienuts intogether
4 mix it together
5 put them into the muffin cups
6 put them in the fridge
7eat them
coco rice bubbles icing sugar vegtable shortening.
sprinkles muffincups bowls and spons measuring cup
1 cut the vegtable shortening
2 melt the vegtabe shortehing
3 put the ingredienuts intogether
4 mix it together
5 put them into the muffin cups
6 put them in the fridge
7eat them
My birthday
Hay gust what my birthday is cming up it is on November the 18 I going to have a barst we are ging to have a bqbq for tea and then we are ging to have chcoclat cake or ataline cake see that is my way i am haveing my pary plesse don"t copy me wiht my ary it is in 6 days I"m terning 8 is it facinnting
Right choice
I loved right choice.It was fan and cool. I was at bubbles by the learing center. we used water and liquid. It was very exitirg. also I playd on the play ground.
Hi my name is kayla and came to you about crumping. Crumping is a type of dance. Crumping is all about having fun. Also crumping can halp you learn to dance. Also my group and me are going to wellington to do a competiticn. Also crumping is when you shake your body by kayla
when we went to wellington
When we went to wellington I went up a hill I saw all over wellington. We talke potose of a para sote. then dad went to kfc then we eat the kfc then we went to the ledose it was fun Then we went home.
from tamika
from tamika
Break dancing
Break dacning is hard it's just being real crazy and once I did break dancing I fell on the ground see I told you It's really hard and you jump all around the stage when the competithion is over you should be tired and sweaty and you need a drink.
Last week!
Last week Cathy had three friends and there names were Joese and Sabrena!They let me have some lollies chips and on sunday there were nautey men.But they had to do the garden while Connor was playing criket.We went to the back of the school so they could not see us.When we came back we were completly fine and we never sore them agian.On monday Cathy had her driveing leson and on her birthday she got two sheep movies they names were Shorn the sheep and Black sheep.Shorn the sheep has 8 little movies to wacth and it was a crack up we all laughed on every little movie. We all had fun on monday and when I went to bed there were lots of fire works on monday I keeped looking at Paris's house because they looked great!But we did not do any witch was very sad the last time I looked my mum saw me look and mummy told me to go to bed and I did and they said that Black sheep was funny and they keeped looking out the window too.We all had lots of fun!
From Meghan Bronwyn Davenport!
From Meghan Bronwyn Davenport!
Monday, November 12, 2007
yesterday on the swing.
Yesterday on the swing when me and my brother was on the
swing we were playing agame on the swing. first I have to get
on the swing. also we push each anthor off the swing. If
my brother pushed me off the swing I lost. If my brother.
fell off my brother lost.
By Paris
swing we were playing agame on the swing. first I have to get
on the swing. also we push each anthor off the swing. If
my brother pushed me off the swing I lost. If my brother.
fell off my brother lost.
By Paris
We are doing clae I mode a jet boat. I put jet on it can go fast or sbw. I put seat in side
it. Its got fours its afrcnt.
by alexis
it. Its got fours its afrcnt.
by alexis
My dream job
My dream job is to be a fashion designer because you would beable to see the star live and you could make anything for the stars. I would put it colourful and I would make and dress and it with be beautiful I with love to be a fashion desigher all the
time. I would get lots of money. Mum would love me for it and mum would want my money and I would get lots of money.
like my brother.
By moesha
time. I would get lots of money. Mum would love me for it and mum would want my money and I would get lots of money.
like my brother.
By moesha
my dream
last night I had a dream and it was about school. Also it was pet day and we where in Assemby were our pets also all of our pets were up on stage.
Crumping is kinda like a dance.But its actully learning how to crump.people learn super dance lessons of cool music.Also its real fast.You have to keep up!.You learn stuff like how to do flips & all other things.Dont forget to follow instrutions.Also you can just dance.I like crumping a lot.Its fun.
outside was fun we were playing frizbe ball too then we went inside to eat something then we went outside after that mum made up a idea mum said go through the other window and i ordered 2 honeys 2 marges 1 chocolate
My best dance
My best dance is crumping and we have competitions to see who is the best dancer to be the captain.of the team.
By Michael
By Michael
christmas holiday
In the Christmas holiday we camped in Rotorua and Napier.My brother got magnetics and other stuff. Also he's got a soccer cake. My brother likes to drive my motor bike and he broke it. also I go fast and do jumps.
On friday I went to Crumping in the hall. It looks cool and there is alot of jumping around.My friends Jesse and Isaiah were with me.
by ben.
by ben.
Chocolate bubbles
Chocolate bubbeles
cocoa spoon
icing suger vegaballs shortig
rice bubbles
1. melt the kummowter
2.put the driy ingredits in the bowl
3.put the kummowterin the bowl
4.mix all the ingredeits.
5. put the chocolat bubbles in the cups
6.put it in the frige
7.tidyup & eat it.
cocoa spoon
icing suger vegaballs shortig
rice bubbles
1. melt the kummowter
2.put the driy ingredits in the bowl
3.put the kummowterin the bowl
4.mix all the ingredeits.
5. put the chocolat bubbles in the cups
6.put it in the frige
7.tidyup & eat it.
my fauorite sandwich
my favoite sadwich
peannut butter
1.Get the bread.
2.Spread the jam and peanut butter .
3 Put the top on.
4 Cut the sandwich.
5 Eat.
by anthony
peannut butter
1.Get the bread.
2.Spread the jam and peanut butter .
3 Put the top on.
4 Cut the sandwich.
5 Eat.
by anthony
My mums wedding
I was the flower girl . My dress was blue and pink.My uncle also my antea came to whosh.
by carrie-rose
by carrie-rose
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Fruit Kebabs
1. wash the fruit.
2.cut the pineapple and the bananas
3.put the frut on the stiks
4.eat it.
By: Hayden
Grass Heads
Ms. Kalat's new pet
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
My mums birthday
My mums birthday is on guyfawkes day and one time we went down to the park to do the fireworks.Also my mums friend came and so did my dads friend and mine and my brothers friend.Also I had a great time there too.
By Shania l
By Shania l
when i went to manfeild i saw isaiah and has little sister his little sister is big and then we went to the park for a little time then we went back to manfeild then it was starting so we sat down and this fire popped up it was big.
By: Layla
By: Layla
My 6th brithday
Hi my name is Carrie-rose.My 6th brithday was fun because my present was a puppy and I called it muffe but a few weeks later she died.But I got another puppy.Also it had 11 puppys I called one of them roseie other puppy was called india.And my other present I got a cat. My cat had some kittins. I called one of them avgalen because shes cute.
by carrie-rose
by carrie-rose
Friday, November 2, 2007
My holiday
When we went to ackteo we went to find a house to stay in for my brother bithday.We stayed for three day. On the secend day it was my brother bithday he got a toy truck and toy train track and a toy train. Me and my sister shared a room and my little sister and my baby sister and my brother shared a room. When we went home i got sick and layed down in the van.
By: Merrick
By: Merrick
triker treading
When I went triker treating I went to this boys house we knocked on the sliding door. And then he went out the other door he scared me. He told to tell him a joke . I said knock knock who's there? Doctor Doctor who? Doctor you he laughed at my sister
Shavaughn then. Shavaughn said a joke him he laughed at her. Then we went to Miss MacDonalds house. Rean was gross. Then she gave me lollies and lolliepops she gave me some candy canes.
By Tamika
Shavaughn then. Shavaughn said a joke him he laughed at her. Then we went to Miss MacDonalds house. Rean was gross. Then she gave me lollies and lolliepops she gave me some candy canes.
By Tamika
I can't wait for christmas because I will get presents. we will go out and will go to my garnndad and waen we get there he will have a present ready waen when we get there and there will be rete.
By Michael
By Michael
choppers are fast to rideon and you have to be carefuL when we turn a round and be casful went you dniue and watch out when your tuyers pop ,
by Ben
by Ben
My mum going to australia
when my mum went to australia she bought us some cool things and i like my clothes by kayla
Thursday, November 1, 2007
happy holloween was cool because we got to dress up what ever we wanted.. And I dress up in my p.j. Also we had a lollie scarmble..
Also i went tricky treating with my sister and cuzin jaziah and i got heaps of lollies and i went to my nans,auntey's,my unlces and my teacher.
-shania k
Also i went tricky treating with my sister and cuzin jaziah and i got heaps of lollies and i went to my nans,auntey's,my unlces and my teacher.
-shania k
Way to go Room 8!!
My dream job
My dream job is to be a photographer because you have so much fun.Also you get to see famous people that are models like the people that are on Ameraka next top models.As well I want to be a model because you get to see all the famous all over the world .Also you have a runway aswell you get to do a shoot.
By Eva
By Eva
my best day
my best day was when i got puppy their names are
isaball tinkerball. they are black and white
one has a pink and white nose. the anther has a pure
black nose. i am so happy
because they are cute i
like my puppy
by depris
isaball tinkerball. they are black and white
one has a pink and white nose. the anther has a pure
black nose. i am so happy
because they are cute i
like my puppy
by depris
My Halloween
On halloween I went trick or treating I got 60 lollies. My mum ate 5 of my brothers he cried. I went
to ms. kalats house she gave me 1 lollie. When I got home I ate 3 lollies.
by alexis
to ms. kalats house she gave me 1 lollie. When I got home I ate 3 lollies.
by alexis
The harley davidson
the harley davidson rides was fast .
I burnt my ankel on the exsuse pipe.
I went all around the city on the motor bike & the man allmost fell of.
By Jesse
I burnt my ankel on the exsuse pipe.
I went all around the city on the motor bike & the man allmost fell of.
By Jesse
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
on Hallowen
on Hallowen i went with my cusins and my cusins friend. also i am going in a van and i am dressing up as a wizird and evereyone says it is a bib and we took a class photo.
By Hayden
By Hayden
Fruit kebabs
Monday, October 29, 2007
Australia was really fun and we went to movie world and wet n wild i went on lots of hydorsildes one of them was a family ride wen you go down it is very fun because one side go s up and one side go s down and at movie worldi went on lots of roller coasters the first ride we went on was a boat ride a elevator and it take s you up and it does a little roller coatster and it drops you down and it splashes you and you get wet you get wet cloths and this roller coaster you go down very very fast and i dinddnt like the begainning and i went there with my dad step mum and sister and brother the end.
by teiana
by teiana
my hlioday
the holiday was when i went out camping with my dad and mum i went in my fiend car and my brother went upto 1018 km per hour/
By junior
By junior
On friday we went kokbiling. Also made a cool picture of a teddy bear. We had buritos for lunch. I a had cool time. We planned tip to the hills.
By Anna.
By Anna.
my dog
My dog is funny she can do tricks and she can dance. When you put the music on she started to dance .and she can jump through a hopp.
by Michael
by Michael
my calf
My calf runs fast and he is fun and when he is sleeping he snores and it is a annoying.
my 5th christmas
my 5th christmas was so fun we had mc donlenes also kfc we had with the kfc chickin and other things i had mc donlenes me riley and seth i had some of mums and dads kfc.
by layla.
by layla.
My big surprise
My suprise was a holiday to my nanas for a week Every holidays I go there my aunty lives next door She works at the holiday
program every day I go to my auntys I went to many diffrent places and a lot of loiies and my aunty comes to visit and my
cousins come to visit to there names are Bert Grace Kalie Hannah and baby Elizabith they are really to play with but grace is
By Jesse
program every day I go to my auntys I went to many diffrent places and a lot of loiies and my aunty comes to visit and my
cousins come to visit to there names are Bert Grace Kalie Hannah and baby Elizabith they are really to play with but grace is
By Jesse
the first day going on a holiday
The first day going on a holiday is fun we get to go everywhere.
we went to Auckland to see my cousin's we get to go to the lights
and it is fun there. we get dance there get to roll on a boat then
we went back to my cosins and had a party and when i ran into
the door my started bleeding. we had marshmalloes in the
ice cream.
we went to Auckland to see my cousin's we get to go to the lights
and it is fun there. we get dance there get to roll on a boat then
we went back to my cosins and had a party and when i ran into
the door my started bleeding. we had marshmalloes in the
ice cream.
My weekend
On the holiday I try and try to do a filp like a hand sand filp with your hands on the ground oK alright.Than I try to do a backwords filp and it did't go so wow because I bent my nek back. See that is my story for now see you latter
By Amber in room8
By Amber in room8
Friday, October 26, 2007
My dads
My day at dads was fun and cool. I loved it and I loved to see him. Also I got to stay there and the next day was cool because we went to the pools it was fun and exciting.
By Alice.
By Alice.
My friend
My friend comes to my house. W play monopoly. We went to the school. My mate
had to go home. I went to his home.
By: Alexis
had to go home. I went to his home.
By: Alexis
My cat
My cat fluff fluff is lazy and when the mother misty had a baby he was cute then his brother was born he was cute too. Charley -she was a nice girl she was friendly she is a pretty girl. When i put her on the tramp she jumps with me. Fluff fluff he sleeps in his basket sometimes.
By: Tamika
By: Tamika
My dog
My dog has spots that are and wite and a mouth .Also she has a nose and is clean . also one is big and one is little.
By Hayden
By Hayden
At my cousins house
At my cousins house we went for a swim and after that we had a snack. Also after that I played with the dolls and then we played on the computer.
By Shania L
By Shania L
My pet Legolass
My pet legolass has white and black fur. Also she has one blue eye and green eye. As well my pet is very fluffy and she sleeps in her basket in the sitting room. She eats her tablets and she eats cat food. Legolass also hunts for mice and chases stray dogs away. She also sunbathes all day and she is four years old.Also she is friendly and kind and strong
From Meghan.
From Meghan.
My trip to Aucland
my trip to aucland was ok but on the way back i got very sick on my friends back.
also the window. my mum clened it up but i stayed for three nights.
By: Depris
also the window. my mum clened it up but i stayed for three nights.
By: Depris
My 6th christmas
On my 6th christmas we opiend our present's. Sophie got a egg and spoon
race. I slept on the couch. When I woke up I startted to played with my toy.
By: Anna
race. I slept on the couch. When I woke up I startted to played with my toy.
By: Anna
The Beach
Once i went to the beche and i found some
jelly fish . also i got stang by 1 of them .
also i saw a crab . and i was in a pond
.also i saw a big boat.
By Lushaan
jelly fish . also i got stang by 1 of them .
also i saw a crab . and i was in a pond
.also i saw a big boat.
By Lushaan
A joke about my aunt
We went to a tangi and my aunt got up and said that she bought chips she didn,t have money
to buy her chips. She asked my other Aunt. She had money so she bought it . But she was at a different tangi.
By: Moesha
to buy her chips. She asked my other Aunt. She had money so she bought it . But she was at a different tangi.
By: Moesha
My fourth bithday
My birthday was fantastic so we had lot of things at my house.
we had a party pops and we had an sleep over at my house.
we played hide and seek with my friend like Moesha,Shaniak,
mogan,geodan,Darndre, Tayla,Ashily.they best friends in
the world.
By: Paris
we had a party pops and we had an sleep over at my house.
we played hide and seek with my friend like Moesha,Shaniak,
mogan,geodan,Darndre, Tayla,Ashily.they best friends in
the world.
By: Paris
My holiday
My holiday at wanganui was fun because I went on the go karts . After that I went on the bumper boats my brother hit me. I fell off and I fell in the water I got wet .I got an Icecream it was banana it was yummy.
by Carrie-rose
by Carrie-rose
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ms.Kalat and Lamikins

Hi Gang,
I thought I would show you how easy it is to add a picture. This is a picture of me and Lamikins. Can you figure out how i added it to my post? I'll give you a hint.... you add it from the same place you write your new post. Have a look and see if you can find the right button. Can you add a picture to your post?
Good Luck
- Ms. Kalat
My Holiday
When we went to marhare we look were everythink was then we put up the tent. Then we went to play on the fort. the next day we went to the beach for a swimand i went in the deep bit where there were no waves.
By Merrick
By Merrick
booga on the trailer
uncle LB was mowing the lawns.When he finished he put the grass on the trailer. Booga was on the trailer too. also it was funny and cool. Also aunty kyile is the best. by kayla
The true story of the three little pigs
My best day was when I did a play called the thee little pigs.It was the best play ever.Also it was very funny.In the play there were a wolf and there was four readers.Also two pigs. I played the part of the big bad wolf.My favourite part was learning the line and doing the actions.
By Eva
By Eva
The wedding
The first time i ever went to a wedding was my Aunty's. Her name was Annette. I was a flower girl at the wedding and do you know what? Annette's sister was the bridesmaid. her name is Linda. Anettee got married to Neil. Neil is my dad's brother. Me and my dad and mum sat together. Me and my dad danced a lot. I had lots of fun.
By Amber
By Amber
My fifth birthday
My fifth birthday was fun and it was cool. I got a lot of presents and a lot of people came. I got lots of lollies. All of my causins came to my party. by Alice.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Hi Gang!
Welcome to our new blog site room 8!!! I hope you will love it as much as i do!! So have a think about what you'd like to share with the world and start blogging!!
Welcome to our new blog site room 8!!! I hope you will love it as much as i do!! So have a think about what you'd like to share with the world and start blogging!!
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